All our hops are vacuum packed in extra thick aluminum foil bags and stored in our cold storage for optimum freshness. The hops are guaranteed fresh and packed in our new state of the art clean room at our premises. Freshness and the highest quality is guaranteed. We are brewers ourselves, so if you need any help with what are the most suitable hops for your homebrew recipe just send us an email on sales@thehomebrewcompany.ie
It is our job to make sure you make good beer.
Good Bittering qualities with a strong Hoppy Aroma. This hop is bread from Challenger and Northdown. It exhibits a typical English hop aroma mixed... more info
Growing in popularity as an alternative to the pungent Cascade in Pale Ales and Bitters, Ahtanum provides a delightful flowery aroma to these styles. more info
Exceptional quality hop with an orange-citrus flavour. Use sparingly for flavouring as the orange flavour can dominate. Superb for late/dry hopping. more info
A Super High alpha variety with Citrus notes. The emphasis on orange, resiny, spicy. Use in any beer with a big hop profile. Characterised by its... more info
This dual-purpose variety has an intense but pleasant aroma is great for bittering and aroma. It can be used in all ales (and judiciously in some... more info
Named for the Haitian god of agriculture, Azacca boasts an intense tropical fruit profile. Usage: Excellent aromatic qualities make... more info
Originally bred from the Bramling Golding and a wild American hop, Bramling Cross is a low yielding variety grown in Kent and Sussex. Although an... more info
Due to the somewhat abnormal levels of some of the essential oils, Cascade has an aroma which is all its own. It is very popular among the new breed... more info
Often described as Super Cascades this variety will give Pale Ales and IPA’s that characteristic powerful hop flavour and aroma found in the... more info
General purpose hop. Ideal for bittering or aroma. Originally developed as a Goldings replacement, Challenger is a very versatile variety. Many... more info
Chinook is a bittering variety with aroma characteristics released in May, 1985. A high alpha acid hop with a wonderful herbal, almost smoky... more info
Citra is a special aroma hop variety developed by the Hop Breeding Company. It was released in 2007. Citra has fairly high... more info
Columbus (also known as Tomahawk) is a relatively new hop variety patented in the USA by HopUnion Inc. Being relatively high in alpha acid (14 to... more info
Aroma Profile: Grassy, Citrus Selected in 1961 and released in 1974 by the USDA, Comet was originally utilized for its high alpha acid... more info
Crystal Hops bears a low alpha acid rating of 3.5%-6.0%, and carries a relatively high myrcene oil content. This combination makes it ideal for aroma... more info
This is a multiuse hop in the brewery where it can be used to deliver an extremely crisp bitter edge on the back palate as well as excellent aroma... more info
This year we are fortunate to be able to offer East Kent Goldings to the trade. Use these for your best Pale Ales and Bitters. Alpha Acid 4.0-7.0%... more info
El Dorado is the new must have hop especially for IPA and pale ale lovers. Eldorado hops consistently elicit responses of fruity notes, specifically... more info
Flavour and Aroma Complex blackcurrant, loganberry and spice notes best describe Endeavour’s aroma, with a wonderful grapefruit and lime... more info
One of the new exciting varieties of 'dwarf hops', First Gold is a very fine aroma hop reminiscent of the Golding. It is a seedling of WGV... more info
Flavour and Aroma A citrus hop with aromas of stoned fruits, liquorice, treacle-toffee and caramel with slight burnt notes. Bittering Characteristics... more info
Aroma hop. Coarser in flavour than Goldings. Fuggles are used extensively in Bitters and Pale Ales but are unsurpassed for flavouring the darker... more info
Galena is now by far the widest grown hop in America . It is a heavy cropper and has good resistance to disease. Brewing tests have revealed a... more info
Exceptional quality hop which has a pleasant aroma as well as a very high alpha acid content. Used in New Zealand for many lager types, Green Bullet... more info
Grown in the Hersbruck district of the Hallertau, the largest hop-growing region in the world, this is the classic Lager hop.Its fine aroma... more info
Hallertauer Mittelfrüh (Middle Early) is arguably the world's finest aroma hop. Brupaks is proud to be able to offer this variety to the... more info
Typical alpha: 12-17%. High-alpha bittering hop with pronounced spicy profile. Use in hoppy German ales or lagers more info
Use in brewing Dual purpose hop. Can be used for aroma and bittering. Known to have a fresh tropical fruit aroma. Origin/History Created as a... more info
Tests made in a number of British breweries have produced very favourable results and Liberty will gain much wider recognition in the future. It is... more info
Sometimes referred to as Yakima Magnum. Magnum is a good, clean, all purpose bittering hop. It is sometimes described as having a floral character.... more info
Origin: Germany. A daughter of Cascade, along with Hallertau Blanc and Hüll Melon, and released in 2012. Usage: Aroma. A tangerine machine... more info
Mosaic is an aroma hop variety developed by Hop Breeding Company, LLC that was released in 2012. It offers a unique and complex blend of floral,... more info
Originally developed from the German Hallertauer Mittelfrüh variety, Mount Hood has evolved into a very versatile hop. It can be readily used in... more info
A hop that requires judicious application in the brew house, this truly unique dual-purpose variety can be used to produce big punchy Ales as well as... more info
Although originally developed in Britain, Northern Brewer is now grown almost exclusively in Germany . It is very versatile in that it can be used to... more info
This homebrew hop has a pungent aroma but in a most pleasant sense of the meaning. Nugget has high bittering value and is a prominent hop in many of... more info
Flavour and Aroma Tropical fruit flavours and aromas, including mango, grapefruit, and passionfruit. Bittering Characteristics ... more info
Breeding: A Triploid alpha type bred from the New Zealand variety “Smoothcone” crossed with Californian Late Cluster x Fuggle.... more info
Due to its high alpha acidity, Pacific Jade is often used as a bittering hop, but its bold aroma of fresh citrus and spicy pepper makes for a great... more info
A triploid aroma type developed through the Hort Research, New Zealand Hop Breeding programme, Pacifica brings something of a blend of new and... more info
Although generally regarded as an aroma hop, the moderately high alpha acid content of this variety will find more brewers employing Perle in the... more info
Pilgrim has a deeply fruity, lemon/grapefruit aroma with flavour characteristics including verdant, berries and pears. As a bittering hop it provides... more info
Originally grown as a Fuggles replacement, Progress is a very versatile hop that combines fine aroma properties with a respectable alpha acid... more info
Can be used for bittering or aroma. Contributes tropical fruit aromas of passionfruit and peach. This variety has a lot of typical New Zealand fruity... more info
The classic Pilsner hop from the Czech Republic is used in many of the world's finest beers, including the exceptional Pilsner Urquell. It's... more info
This homebrew hop variety is most unique. It has the most complex hop flavour you are ever likely to experience. It has aromas of passion fruit,... more info
Dual Purpose hop with bountiful bouquet of lemon zest, citrus and spicy pine notes. Usage: Dual purpose - has unique flavour and aroma... more info
After their indigenous varieties were exterminated by powdery mildew in 1930, the Yugoslavians imported Fuggles from England , probably under the... more info
Quite new on the scene (2003) but the consensus is very positive with its “peak” bittering value coupled with robust citrus notes of... more info
Although grown in southern Germany, the distinctive Tettnang aroma is more often found in the well-hopped Pilsners of the north. Jever and Bitburger... more info
A high yielding, high alpha acid American bittering hop. Also known by the trade name Columbus, which is one of the Three Cs along with Cascade and... more info
Ultra completed the half-sisterhood with her release in 1995. While Crystal tempts with a touch of Cascade in her heritage, Ultra tempts with a... more info
Developed by the New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research hop breeding program and released in 2011, Wai-iti is a granddaughter of Liberty... more info
With Waimea hops is you are in for some pleasant surprises, bursting with intense fresh tangelo, citrus fruit and pine needle character. Waimea... more info
These hops were formally known as Hallertau Aroma. They are similar to German Hallertau but they have a higher alpha acid. These are a superb dual... more info
Although originally bred from the Fuggle, Willamette is now regarded as an aroma variety in its own right.Its blackcurrant/herbal aroma is quite... more info
Zeus hops have an intensely pungent piney resinous character with a soft citrus note. It is considered one of the American Super Alpha hops and used... more info